We believe stewardship and generosity is a way of life and an act of worship that recognizes that everything we have is God’s, and we are simply managing those resources while here on earth. Through the giving of our financial resources and time, we are the heart, spirit and hands of God, reaching out in love to share with our world. Our gifts demonstrate in a tangible way our love for God and our neighbors. Our giving makes possible the ministry of changing lives, transforming communities and renewing the church.

Why should I give to the church?

As Christians, we understand that everything we have comes from God. We give out of gratitude for our blessings and to support God’s work through the church.

How much should I give?

The Bible teaches giving in proportion to the material blessings we have received. We encourage committing a percentage of your income and increasing that percentage over time.

When should I give?

Regular, systematic giving cultivates a lifestyle of generosity. Regular giving connects our giving to our blessings and can bring great joy. You can set up regular, recurring giving online by clicking here.

What does "tithe" mean?

It means giving the first tenth, or 10%, of our income to God, which originated in the Old Testament. When we give the first 10% of our income to the church, we put God first in our lives. We encourage setting a goal to reach or exceed this level of generosity.

How is the money I give spent?

The church operating budget supports everything QSUMC does, including worship, missions, numerous programs and services, and the staff and facilities needed to accomplish all of this.