Our Vision

Quail Springs UMC is becoming a collective of diverse and inclusive Christian communities sharing one mission.

Our Mission

To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Quail Springs UMC is:

  • One church, with one mission, through many expressions

  • An inclusive, diverse, and faithful community, that shares the love of God, beginning with our neighborhood and extending to a needy world

  • One faith community that strive to live and learn the ways of Jesus together

What is a Reconciling Church?

Quail Springs UMC is a part of the Reconciling Ministries Network, which seeks to affirm people of all gender identities and sexual orientations.

“We celebrate God’s gift of diversity and value the wholeness made possible in community equally shared and shepherded by all. We welcome and affirm people of every gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation, who are also of every age, race, ethnicity, physical and mental ability, level of education, and family structure, and of every economic, immigration, marital, and social status, and so much more. We acknowledge that we live in a world of profound social, economic, and political inequities. As followers of Jesus, we commit ourselves to the pursuit of justice and pledge to stand in solidarity with all who are marginalized and oppressed.”

Reconciling Ministries engage in the ministry of Reconciliation in two ways:

  1. Outreach, affirmation, and intersectional ministry with and for LGBTQ+ persons in the local setting.

  2. Creating opportunities to engage in dialogue, build relationships, and advocate for changes to Church policies related to ordination equality, marriage equality, and the availability of funds that help make LGBTQ+ justice a reality.

To find out more, visit https://rmnetwork.org

We are a part of the Oklahoma Conference of the United Methodist Church.

United Methodists hold to the historic doctrines of the Christian faith. We seek to be orthodox in faith, generous in spirit, broadminded, passionately devoted to Jesus Christ, and wholly surrendered to God. We strive for personal holiness by inviting people into a life-transforming relationship with Jesus Christ.  We also pursue social holiness in the public sphere by addressing key issues of our time so that our world will look more like the Kingdom of God. Methodists have a passionate faith with strong convictions, but we also recognize that the world is not always black and white. We are willing to ask questions, to wrestle with difficult issues, and to do so with grace and compassion.

Methodists have been known for our emphasis on a personal faith, lived out in concrete ways in the world. We value passionate worship, relevant preaching, small groups where people could grow in faith, and serving those who are in need. We value the spiritual disciplines and take a “methodical” approach to growing in the faith.

United Methodists hold the Bible to be divinely inspired and are committed to live by its words. We also recognize the Bible was written by people who heard God in the light of their own cultural and historical circumstances. As such, we make use of scholarship and study the scriptures carefully. When we encounter theological differences among Christians, we bear in mind the approach of John Wesley, our founder: “in essentials, unity; in nonessentials, liberty; in all things, charity.” United Methodists share a common heritage with other Christians, holding to the historic essentials of the Christian faith.

We believe the goal of the Christian life is to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love your neighbor as you love yourself. United Methodists value the full participation of women and men, people of all backgrounds in every facet of fellowship and leadership within the church and society. 

Methodists have open hearts, open minds, and open doors and welcome anyone interested in learning more about the Christian faith, wherever you are on your journey. At Quail Springs UMC, you do not have to believe what we believe to participate. As a guest in worship on Sunday mornings, or in one of our Community Groups, you will be welcomed, loved, and included.